Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Name for NWFP-Identity for Pukhtoon داپختون شناخت - پختون ولی یا پختونخواہ

I was never in the favour or against the changing of the name of NWFP to Pukhtoonkhwa, Pukhtoonistan, Afghania or any other such kind of name. To me there were many more important issues than changing the name of province such as Peace & stability, avaiablily of basic necessaties of life to the people of NWFP. People who were in favour of changing the name, had the logic that everyone in Pakistan have their identities in the form of provincial name that represents them such as Punjab for Punjabis, Sindh for Sindhis and Balochistan for Balochis. Similary they wanted to have Pukhtoonkhwa for Pukhtoons. It was quite a justified logic which I don't oppose but in my opinion Punjab is not know Punjab because of Punjabis but Punjabis are known because of Punjab (the land of five rivers). Similarly Sindh is not known because of Sindhi people but the Sindh (indus) river and the people living in that area are called Sindhis because of living in Sindh.

In case of Pukhtoons, they are not known Pukhtoons because of living in Pukhtoonkhwa or Pukhtoonistan or any other Pukhtoon named area but they are called Pukhtoon because of their unique identity of Pukhtoonwali, a code of honor based on some principles that every Pukhtoon have to follow.Therefore Pukthoon don't need a name of area for their identity of Pukhtoon but the code of Pukhtoonwali.

Coming back to issue of renaming the NWFP, I now favour the name for NWFP but in the context of giving the name not changing the name. NWFP or North West Frontier Province is a direction of an area, its not a name. This province is till now known by its direction and not name, surely because the name doesn't exists, so what to change which does not exists.

I therefore would like to have the name for the Province so atleast to be known of, be it represent the Pukhtoons or not, because my Pukhtoonwali don't need identity by province but identity by Pukhtoonwali, be it is in Frontier, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan or any other part of the world.

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