Going to my school, college and then office in the morning, I always wondered to see people eating heavy food during the breakfast time. I had my selfmade opinion about those rice, choley, nihari, paye etc. eating people, considering them as people of hungry nature (Bhookey Mazaj Waley), whose priorities are just to eat. I among friends, always discussed those people with fun, however, the facts made me to change my opinion.
During my professional life, for sometime I had to travel from one city to another, and so many time I had to travel at night. I used to start my journey from one city at night and reach the destination before the fajar/morning prayer, while sometime I used to reach even before the Azan/call of the fajar/morning prayer. This night travel exposed me to another face of working life. I came across people, who were not bound by the usaual 9 to 5 working hour. They were the people whose professional responsibilties starts from mid night and lasts till early morning. They includes Bus drivers, Truck Drivers, Guards, road side hotels and shops and even hawker selling goods at buses. This is something that i used to see on the way. The time I used to reach another city before Fajar Azan, i used to came across another group of people whos working time was just to start. They included people with donkey carts, Tangas, Newspaper hawkers, Milk sellers, vegetable sellers, Bread makers and other such kind of people, who have to make assure that there work is done till 7th o'clock in the morning so that other people going to schools, offices, shops don't get late. They have to make sure to reach the vegetable markets, newspaper stalls, dairy farms, collect the desired goods and supply to their destinations on time. This was the routine job of those people and the time they were going to their work, we still had three more hours to sleep. And the time we wake up, those people have already finished their work.
Looking back to our own routine, we wake up, do our breakfast and then go to work, while the people I see eating on the way, are those who have already finished their work. This made me think whether, the people eating after a tough and hard work are hungry people or the people like us who eat before going to work????
During my professional life, for sometime I had to travel from one city to another, and so many time I had to travel at night. I used to start my journey from one city at night and reach the destination before the fajar/morning prayer, while sometime I used to reach even before the Azan/call of the fajar/morning prayer. This night travel exposed me to another face of working life. I came across people, who were not bound by the usaual 9 to 5 working hour. They were the people whose professional responsibilties starts from mid night and lasts till early morning. They includes Bus drivers, Truck Drivers, Guards, road side hotels and shops and even hawker selling goods at buses. This is something that i used to see on the way. The time I used to reach another city before Fajar Azan, i used to came across another group of people whos working time was just to start. They included people with donkey carts, Tangas, Newspaper hawkers, Milk sellers, vegetable sellers, Bread makers and other such kind of people, who have to make assure that there work is done till 7th o'clock in the morning so that other people going to schools, offices, shops don't get late. They have to make sure to reach the vegetable markets, newspaper stalls, dairy farms, collect the desired goods and supply to their destinations on time. This was the routine job of those people and the time they were going to their work, we still had three more hours to sleep. And the time we wake up, those people have already finished their work.
Looking back to our own routine, we wake up, do our breakfast and then go to work, while the people I see eating on the way, are those who have already finished their work. This made me think whether, the people eating after a tough and hard work are hungry people or the people like us who eat before going to work????
1 comment:
شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض تتيح لكم ما تحتاجونه من خدمات تنظيف في مختلف المنشآت بجميع المساحات والأغراض والمحتويات، إذ أن الشركة تقدم من خلال أفضل العمال والمتخصصين وبإشراف الخبراء الذين تستعين بهم الشركة للإشراف على ما يتم القيام به من مهام وخدمات وتوفير كافة سبل الراحة لعملائها الكرام من خلال ما تستعين به من وسائل ومواد ومعدات تتميز بتقنياتها المتطورة والحديثة والتي تواكب من خلالها مستلزمات العصر الحديث و للوصول إلى أفضل ما قد يتطلع له العملاء بجميع فئاتهم في ما يأملون في الوصول لها من مستوى خاص بنظافة المنشأة التي يقيمون فيها أو يعملون بها ويسعون جاهدين إلى أن تظهر بأجمل هيئة وأكمل صورة داخليا وخارجيا.
تمتع بأسعار لا مثيل لها مع شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض
يتمتع عملاء الشركة بمزايا لا تتوافر بالشركات الأخرى إذ أن أسعارنا هي الأرخص والأفضل رغم أن خدماتنا هي الأضمن والأفضل والأكثر تميزا بالمقارنة مع كبرى الشركات المماثلة إذ أن خدماتنا وأسعارنا لا منافس لها وتتميز شركة نظافة فلل بالرياض بما توفره من عروض ذات أسعار وخصومات رائعة ومذهلة على تنظيف الفلل وتعطيرها وتعقيمها جيدا من الاوبئة والجراثيم التي توجد فى تلك المساحات من الفلل الكبيرة والصغيرة .
لمزيد من خدماتنا بالرياض
شركة نقل عفش بالرياض
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